Saturday, November 26, 2005

Community across the miles

We're blown away by the comunidad on blogspot- it's like house church has never ended, only just begun as we all journey to ends of the earth. Wandering in part, but really just finding more about God's call for our lives. I haven't figured it out, but today I thought as I sang the lyrics to Hillsong's "Shout Your Fame" that read, "Jesus I desire to live, Live a life that shouts Your fame." I was wondering about why God would move me from places I've been more comfortable (duh), and I realized that often in those places the fame shines on me, for that's when one appears to have stuff all together;) Instead, I felt God saying He'd move me as long as my life was one that shouted his fame- whether in a loud arena, or in the quiet of my upcoming months of single motherhood as Steve's out to sea. Cool thoughts though, as I realized a little more how little I need to know about the big picture to have God work in power in and through my life.



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